Improving ROAS and Conversion Performance

About Pulsin

Pulsin is a nutritional food brand, achieving business success by producing award-winning protein powders and snack bars. Their product offering is varied and includes protein bars, keto bars, high-fibre brownie bars, a range of plant based protein powders, and more. Their main aim is to create healthy, nutritional products, using natural ingredients, that don’t compromise on taste, and their products can be found in most major supermarket chains, health stores, and online retailers. They also sell their full range of products, alongside those of their sister-brands, through their ecommerce website.

The Goal

Pulsin needed to increase revenue from their website by improving ecommerce sales. They were already running PPC ads on Google and had various PPC campaigns running, including Google display ads and Google search ads. The primary objective of their online advertising campaigns was to optimise the Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS) by generating higher conversion values while ensuring the Cost Per Conversion (CPC) remained within an acceptable range, preferably with a lower CPC. They also wanted to reduce their overall ad spend while increasing the number of conversions.

Of course, as a fully certified PPC agency, Google Partner, experience and expertise in PPC optimization, and knowing many of the best ways to increase ecommerce sales using our PPC management services, we knew we could do it.

What We Did

We didn’t hang about and jumped straight into gathering data on their existing campaigns and running PPC competitor analysis, Google Ads auction insights, and researching the best keywords to use in PPC campaigns using Google Ads Keyword Planner before deciding on the best PPC strategy to boost ecommerce sales.

In addition to our efforts in optimizing the PPC campaigns, we took it a step further by creating highly efficient landing pages for the advertisements. This was crucially important as faster loading times maximize conversions. We focused on developing landing pages that would load much faster than the standard website pages. By implementing this improvement, we provided Pulsin with the opportunity for better conversions and an enhanced user experience. This strategic enhancement complemented our data-driven approach, reinforcing our commitment to achieving optimal results for our client.

Once we’d settled on a PPC strategy, the PPC geeks at Market Rocket set about optimising Pulsin’s PPC campaigns to drive conversions, reduce CPC and overall PPC ad spend, and increase their ROAS. We worked on improving the ad targeting, optimising ad spend allocation, and improving the keywords used to better target specific search terms and reach a more engaged and relevant audience. 

Through rigorous data analysis, constant performance monitoring, and data-driven optimisations throughout the campaign, we managed to achieve the desired results.

The Results!

Over a 6 month reporting period, the Market Rocket PPC specialists managed to not only hit the agreed targets and key performance indicators, but we surpassed them!

Increased Conversion Value

Over the reporting period, we generated more than £29,000 in conversion value – a significant improvement over the previous value! 

Improved ROAS

The target range for the ROAS that we were asked to achieve was between 51.72% and 62.06%. 

We smashed it: The Return On Advertising Spend for Pulsin’s PPC advertising increased to an average of 173.41% during the reporting period, showing how effective our PPC campaigns were in driving conversions and revenue.

Decreased Cost Per Conversion

We managed to reduce Pulsin’s CPC by almost a third! 

The previous CPC stood at £33.42 and we lowered this to £23.33, signifying an improvement in the overall efficiency of our PPC campaigns in acquiring conversions at a lower cost thanks to effective targeting and ad spend allocation.

Increased Conversions

Over the course of the reporting period, we generated a total of 729 conversions for Pulsin – an improvement on the previous total, indicating the paid ads were successful in motivating users to take action, leading to improved conversion rates and overall performance.

Optimised Cost Per Click

We reduced Pulsin’s average CPC by 19.51% when compared to the previous reporting period. At just £0.82 per click, we improved the cost efficiency of driving user engagement and click-throughs to the website and landing pages.

Nailed it!

As you can see, the PPC specialists at Market Rocket made improvements to Pulsin’s PPC marketing across the board!

By implementing strategic optimisations, we achieved remarkable results for Pulsin, including increased conversion value, improved ROAS, decreased CPC, reduced overall spend, increased conversions, optimised click costs, and exceeding the target ROAS range.

These achievements reflect the effectiveness of our campaigns in driving conversions, ecommerce revenue, and overall business success. Our ability to meet objectives and surpass performance expectations highlights the importance of data-driven optimisations and continuous monitoring to enhance advertising campaign performance.

We wanted to improve the overall performance of our PPC digital marketing campaigns as well as lowering costs where possible. Through Market Rocket’s effective PPC management, we saw amazing results in every area of our PPC performance. They nailed it!” – Lisa, Pulsin.