Amazon and marketing specialist Market Rocket, has helped Burning Barn Rum, an independent producer to sky rocket sales on the Amazon specialist. 

On the back of bumper Black Friday sales and an appearance on a national TV programme, the brand is now looking forward to an even better new year.

Burning Barn Rum takes its name from the apple barn that tragically burned down on the Jenner family farm. From the ashes, the co-founders Katherine and her husband Harry took motivation- and flavours – to create an award winning craft offering for rum drinkers

Largely a wholesale brand initially, Burning Barn Rum was listed on Amazon, but through a third party. But following an introduction by an existing Market Rocket client, Burning Barn Rum jumped on board to let the Amazon specialist manage their on-platform activities. 

Katherine Jenner, who co-founded Burning Barn Rum along with her husband, Harry says, “We were introduced to Market Rocket through a client of theirs, who, like us, has a strong wholesale and D2C proposition. They were seeing good results with Market Rocket’s help, so although our businesses sell completely different products, we felt that the same could happen for us and we really wanted to maximise our performance on every channel.”

Selling on Amazon

With Market Rocket’s help, Burning Barn Rum has implemented an integrated on-platform strategy that has included tailored SEO, paid-for advertising, copywriting and creative that has included the creation of a bespoke brand page that has helped boost the product rankings. 

Says Katherine, “It’s been great to see the growth and the success of our Amazon account since working with Market Rocket. Their insights and specialist knowledge, as well as the time and effort they have put into our listings and our brand page has seen some great improvements in our conversion rates.”

“The back end of Amazon is not designed for someone like me to go in and see what they want, or to pull off a report quickly. You really have to hunt for information so having that support and expertise from Market Rocket has been invaluable.”

Fulfillment By Amazon 

As well as driving traffic to the Burning Barn Rum listings, Market Rocket also manage the fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), which means that while logistics and distribution of product is handled by Amazon, stock levels and inventory management is done by Market Rocket. Another task Katherine says is a weight off her mind. 

Black Friday Sales 

Following strong performance during the Black Friday period, the Burning Barn listings have seen week on week growth in sales lifting them into the top 20 of listings for rum products. These increased sales will further boost the brand’s rankings on the Amazon platform and provide an excellent springboard for the new year. 

Future plans 

The business recently came to prominence following an appearance on Channel 4’s Aldi’s Next Big Thing, which aired around Black Friday too, which further boosted sales. This strong performance in the last trading quarter of the year has increased the need for business expansion. 

Says Katherine, “We knew we were playing the long game on Amazon, it was never about making immediate profits so it’s done exactly what we hoped it would and we are really excited to see what next year brings.”

“As well as developing our Amazon presence, we want to really maximize on the success we’ve had with our regional listings. We want to build on these and become a truly national brand. As well as some on trade work, with bars and restaurants.

Crowdfunding Opportunities

“Our crowdfunding campaign is a big part of our planned growth. We’ve got to the limit of what we can achieve as two founders and we need to build our infrastructure with a combination of sales, marketing and staff to help us push the brand on to the next level.” 

Matthew Peck, CEO of Market Rocket commented, “We are delighted to have played a part in the recent success of Burning Barn Rum. Amazon has a range of complexities, including more than 40 different schemes that any one product could take part in at any one time to boost sales so it’s important brands know how to manage their funds on Amazon to generate the highest ROI.”

“We have spent years learning about the platform and curating the right team to offer every client the most rounded support possible. For businesses focusing on one brand, in one category, then there’s only so quickly they can grow and they never benefit from or leverage the experiences gained across a portfolio of sectors.” 

He added, “We hope to play a significant role in Burning Barns Future growth.”